Saturday, April 2, 2011
Knitting: the gathering storm
Because my interest in knitting is strictly practical, it was essential to find the right yarn. My sweater dreams were all in a color I cannot find in commercial sweaters right now, new or used: a warm hunter-green. A brownish-green-that-is-still-resolutely-green. The sort of green that makes me feel like a rock star.
I also wanted a fair amount of play in the color, if possible. I wasn't after strict flatness and sameness. Really I'd like to work up to handspuns and funkier stuff later on, but this is my first. And what I really needed was something with eveness so I could see the stitches I was making. I also needed something that wouldn't dissolve as I wear it. Machine washable, ideally.
I got one ball of yarn and some of the needles at the Yarn Garden, which is a quick springtime stroll from my apartment. I was a little panicked that they only had one ball in the EXACT color (and weight, and wash-ability, etc.) I needed, but Knit-Purl downtown had nine balls so I bought the last few from them. I still need some needles as it turns out, and may need to exchange one of my tethered round needles (it turns out knitting-in-the-round is fairly supply heavy,) but in the meantime me and Stitch 'n Bitch are learning on some thick string and chopsticks.
Last night I learned to cast-on! I would cast on about 7 stitches, rip it out, do it again. I will do it a few more times, away from the book at weird times during the day before I move on to the next page, where I'll learn to actually knit. It was very warm yesterday and I realized that by the time I really get going with this it may no longer be heavy sweater weather. But the way I see it, this just means I have about seven months to get it done. No sweat. No worries. Hurry hurry ruins curry.