Saturday, May 12, 2012


I'm not sure how to introduce this cleverly, with words, because I'm a bit tired trying to pull together all the last minute details. Getting things in frames. Printing business cards. And of course, writing this (and other) blurbs about it.

business card prep

business cards

So I'll just come out and say it: If you've ever been hankering to see any of my work in person your chance may well be here. Through the months of May and June a whole lot of my work -- including those new paintings I was just telling you about -- will all be on display at the Canby Public Library.

lots of work

A LOT of my work is there. I think initially I assumed this would be a group show, but no. The generous folks at the library open up their entire space a single artist. In fact I didn't bring enough pieces on Wednesday, our original set-up day, so I'll be going back down there tonight with illustrations and things in frames. Some of those will be prints, but honestly the print quality is so high that I can barely tell the difference. Also, because they are printed with archival inks, I think they may last longer than the originals.

This is a very special show to me because it's my first solo show in Oregon. And it's at a library to boot! I've shown in libraries before and I'm honestly trying to do more of that. Library shows are the best. People aren't just breezing by your work for the free wine and crackers at the opening -- they're sitting around on computers, on chairs reading books, they're waiting for story time. They linger around your pictures. And they really look at them. And little kids look at them. And parents and kids have uninhibited discussions about what's in the picture.

weird fishes

What's that? A fish? Do you see the fish? I don't see any fish. Wait, is that circle his eye, maybe? Oh yeah! And is that line there his back? Ooo I see it I see it!

Canby is a forty minute drive from Portland, but it's a beautiful drive. All along the river, through Oregon City and next to the Willamette Falls -- one of my favorite places in Oregon. The last time I drove by there I noticed that some of the buildings at the paper mill are for rent. (Or sale?) Do you think they'd let an artist rent (or buy) a place like that? That would be one heck of a studio. Then again the light's probably not very good. Also people would assume it was my super-villain lair. Best stay put.

canby show

Canby Public Library
292 N. Holly, Canby OR 97013

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday: Noon - 5:00 pm