Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gift packaging


We give out a lot of goodies during the holidays. I was lucky enough to find some plain food goodie bags here in town (thank you, Collage!) and I've been spending free moments here and there painting snowflakes on them.


The first couple bags got jingle bells, which are my favorite, but the decorations inevitably drifted (ha!) to snowflakes as I kept thinking about our stay at the cabin. We usually just get cheap wrapping paper for our scant boxed items, but I've always dreamed of doing plain kraft paper with little designs (maybe like these?) all over, but I've never had myself in gear in time. I should work on that. Even better, license that sort of thing out so lots of people could enjoy it.


In the meantime, I'll paint these just for us. Get yourself a bundle and do the same! It's a soothing way to end an evening.
